Just as a chorus of voices had begun to move the needle on new resources for affordable housing in our region, the COVID-19 pandemic has blunted our momentum. Unlike the housing and financial crisis that became the Great Recession, this situation unfolded very quickly. Will recovery come as quickly?
How are housing credit markets reacting? What will this mean to developments underway and those seeking capital? What will the post-coronavirus environment look like for the affordable housing movement? Will there be an unexpected opportunity to establish policies designed to produce more equitable results for low-income households?
At the next Atlanta Regional Housing Forum, moderator Bill Bolling will speak with several sector and industry leaders to understand the depths of the damage and to ask how we pivot quickly to recovery. We’ll hear from experts on residential mortgage markets, government intervention, affordable housing development, vulnerable populations, and more.
Join us online Wednesday, June 10 at 9:30 a.m. for the next Atlanta Regional Housing Forum. This virtual Forum will be live-streamed on the internet. Link to the live event will be posted here, on social media and emailed to Forum subscribers.
Bill Bolling, Moderator, Founder; Atlanta Regional Housing Forum
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Georgia DCA - CARES Funding Overview
Presented by Dave Whisnant, Director
Housing Assistance Division